Half-Pints: Fiddler on the Roof (2025)

The Half-Pint cast-list is LIVE! Click HERE!

WyoDrama invites all Wyomissing Area students in grades 1-8 to audition for this year’s production of Fiddler on the Roof. Auditions will take place on Saturday, February 22 at 10a.m. Parents may escort their student into the auditorium, but must then wait outside the auditorium until the audition has ended. The audition should end no later than 12 noon, but may be as soon as 11a.m.

Vocal auditions and acting audition pieces are available HERE. Students should wear comfortable clothing appropriate for movement. The music track for auditions is also available in the Half-Pint audition online folder (click HERE).

The roles of Sphrintze and Bielke (Tevye and Golde’s youngest daughters) will be cast from this audition. Additional half-pints will be chosen to fill out the ensemble.

Please complete a registration form prior to the auditions. (Click HERE.)

Email the director, Mr. Krick (akrick@wyoarea.org), with any questions.

Half-Pints: Mamma Mia (2024)

At this time, WyoDrama has decided not to include Half-Pints in this year’s production of Mamma Mia! We hope to see you at the show in late April. Stay tuned for more information regarding our 2025 production.

Half-Pints: Seussical (2023)

WyoDrama invites all Wyomissing Area students in grades 1-6 to audition for this year’s production of Seussical the Musical. Auditions will take place on Saturday, March 11 from 9a.m. to roughly 11a.m. Parents may escort their student into the audition, but must then wait outside the auditorium until the audition has ended.

Vocal auditions and acting audition pieces are available HERE. Students should wear comfortable clothing appropriate for movement.

The role of Young Kangaroo will be cast from this audition. Additionally, 8 - 15 additional half-pint students will be chosen to join the ensemble.

Important Production Dates:
- Various weekly rehearsals in March and April : 7pm - 9pm (check Calendar)
- April 24 - 28: 6pm - 10pm
- April 29: 12pm - 10pm

Please complete a registration form prior to the auditions. (Click HERE.)

Email the director, Mr. Krick (akrick@wyoarea.org), with any questions.

Half-Pints: Beauty and the Beast (2022)

WyoDrama invites all Wyomissing Area students in grades 1-6 to audition for this year’s production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Auditions will take place on Monday, March 14 from 6:00 p.m. to roughly 7:00 p.m. Parents may escort their student into the audition, but must then wait outside the auditorium until the audition has ended.

Vocal audition and acting audition pieces are available HERE, and a short dance combination will be taught at the audition. Students should wear comfortable clothing appropriate for movement. Masks will be worn throughout the audition process, and a face-shield will be worn during the actual performance.

The role of Chip will be cast from this audition. 8-12 additional half-pint students will be chosen to join the ensemble.

Important Production Dates:
- Weekly rehearsals in March and April: 7pm – 9pm
- April 25 – 29: 6pm – 10pm
- April 30: 12pm – 10pm

Please complete a registration form prior to the auditions. (Click HERE.)

Email the director, Mr. Krick (akrick@wyoarea.org), with any questions.

Wyomissing Drama Club presents The 2019 Fall Thing


Fall Thing (2021)

Half-pints are Wyomissing Area 1st-6th graders who participate in WyoDrama Club productions. This year, the Half-pints have an opportunity to perform alongside the high school students in our 2021 WyoDrama Fall Thing.

We invite all students 1-6 to join the WyoDrama Family by attending our Half-Pint workshops and performing along side the high school students in the 2021 Fall Thing! WyoDrama staff and students will lead songs, games, exercises, and live-demonstrations designed to help our half-pints learn about singing, acting, and movement. All events will be held at the Wyomissing Area Jr/Sr High School Auditorium. No previous experience is required. Sign up to attend. Masks will be worn for all workshop activities and during the Fall Thing performance.

NOTE: There will be a brief registration/parent meeting beginning at 9:30AM on 10/30 and 11/6. All students who attend the workshops are invited and encouraged to return on the 20th for a dress rehearsal and performance, as per the schedule. Half-pints will perform during the first part of the evening and will be dismissed to their parents at intermission.


Fall Thing (2021)

Sign-Ups for the 2021 Half-Pint Workshops are now open! Use THIS LINK to sign-up!

We look forward to working with all the students who sign up. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to learn about future opportunities!

Rehearsal Schedule

Fall Thing (2021)

The rehearsal and performance schedule is as follows:

Saturday 10/30 & 11/6
9:00AM-9:20AM - Half-pints arrive/registration
9:20AM-9:40AM - Informational Meeting (parents please attend)
9:30AM-12:00PM - Workshop (parents may arrive at 11:50AM to watch the end of rehearsal)

All students who attend the workshops are invited and encouraged to return on the 11/20 for a dress rehearsal and performance. Half-pints will perform during the first part of the evening and will be dismissed to their parents at intermission. All events will be held at the Wyomissing Area Jr/Sr High School Auditorium.